How a Bracelet Started PopUp Funds

I'm a normal stay at home mom. I keep the house going, create a lot of Pinterest fails, volunteer a little too much at my kids school, and try to balance our family life.

In 2016, a dear friend was diagnosed with cancer. To help with costs, I designed a bracelet to sell. But how was I going to easily promote it and reach the many people who my friend knew all over the country?

Other fundraising and selling sites just didn't meet my needs. I wanted to create a popup sale without having to start a website, create a marketplace storefront, or feel like I was signing my life away. I also wanted an easy way to collect payment. What I used instead was a signup list, 5 different ways to collect payment, and hours of organizing lists and emailing people.

The bracelets were a huge success. Even with the confusion, we raised a large amount of money to help my friend in a couple of weeks. But after spending 2-3 hours a day organizing, and staring at a pile of cash and checks, I knew there had to be a better way. Something simple. An easy online sale. While working on the bracelets, I came up with the idea of PopUp Funds.

A way to quickly and easily set up a sale without having to create a website storefront. A way to quickly sell those school movie tickets, neighborhood t-shirts, and collect for your church retreat all at the same time but in different PopUps. Control all of it from one dashboard to easily see how much money each PopUp has made.

I created PopUp Funds to solve my problem, and I look forward to helping you and others who want to easily and quickly collect funds or sell items for the many projects on your plate.

Lisa Tavares
Founder of PopUp Funds

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