I’ve talked about what Mastermind is and how it has helped me build my business. Now let’s talk about a few do’s and don’ts for your mastermind group to help you get the most out of your time.


Set a time limit for each person. Our group wavers on this a little. We had started at 10 minutes a person but quickly realized that some months one person needed more attention than others. So we switched to 30 minutes for one and 5-10 for the rest. Changing according to need.


Take it over, this is not all about you. There is give and take. Also, don’t let someone else take over. Chances are if you feel like someone has commandeered the group, the rest feel the same way.


Hold each other accountable. I set reminders on my phone once a week to make sure I check in with others to see where they are with their monthly goals. As well as when I accomplish something, I let them all know in a group text that we have going.


Be unreliable. You need to show up every time and be on time. Only being half in hurts the group and shows that you are only in this for yourself. Mastermind only works if everyone is dedicated.


Choose people that have similarities. It helps to have something in common so you have a starting point. Trying to give advice to someone when they are at a different point in life or you have no understanding of where they are coming from can make it more difficult.


Choose people that are all the same. Yup, this goes against what I just said to DO. Hear me out. While you want people that are similar, you do not want a homogeneous group. I know there are groups out there that are just realtors, bloggers or photographers. I’m sure they do well. But think about this, it’s helpful to have different point of views. If everyone has the same profession, then how can everyone grow without some tips from an outsider. It can become an echo chamber when you surround yourself with too much of the same.

Have a few more do’s and don’ts to add to the list? Let me know.

Also, check out Becky Mollenkamp’s post on how you know you are in a bad mastermind group.

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